Sunday, April 12, 2020

Download GBInsta 1.70 Latest Version Apk For Android 2020

Instagram is the application which helps the users to share the images and videos on Social media. Instagram is the best platform whenever you want to share the images and videos and real-time stories. If you are sharing any images then there are some limitation in Instagram and that is you cannot download the images and videos with the help of Instagram. Today, I will be telling you about an application called as GBInsta which is the great mod and helps to download the images and videos on your smartphone.

Instagram is good in terms of privacy and you can share your images and videos and no one can download it. The only way you can download the image is by taking a screenshot and they need to crop the images which is really a big task and no one wants to work that hard on cropping the image and save it on their phone. If you will crop the picture it will surely pixelate the image.

You can easily crop the images and stories images. This will surely pixelate the image but when it comes to videos you can’t do anything. Today, I will tell you the way you can easily save the images, videos, and stories on your smartphone without root. That’s sound amazing right? Let’s dive into it.

Instagram Mods

When it comes to the mods of Instagram the first thing which always comes in our mind is OGInstagram which allows the users to enjoy downloading the Instagram images and videos. That application is not updated since ages so the developer of GBWhatsApp came up with something called as GBInsta which allows the users to download images, videos and stories.

If you know the famous application called as GBWhatsApp which has too many features and allows the users to enjoy theme their WhatsApp. The same developer of the GBWhatsApp allows the users to enjoy the theming on Instagram. If you will install GBInsta on your phone then you can easily theme your Instagram with some little tweaks.

This is the initial release of the application which allows the users to enjoy theming but in the future, there will be more features. You can enjoy these feature and then you can also enjoy the hidden features of Instagram.


The name of the developer of GBInsta is Atnfas Hoak who developed this best application called as GBWhatsApp. Atnfas Hoak worked with Osama Ghareeb and made GBInsta possible and you can install dual Instagram on your phone.

Whenever you install any application on your phone which is modded, then there is one thing which is continuously going in your mind, and that is you will get banned. You can install this application on your phone, and you won’t get any issues, and you can enjoy this app without any ban issues and your credentials will be safe.

If you have the Twitter on your phone, then you will see that you don’t like to increase the followers on your Instagram but with the help of GBInsta, it helps the users to understand who is following you and who is not which is one of the best features and you don’t need to download third party application for that small application.

Problems in Instagram

One of the biggest problem in the Instagram is that you cannot download any images, videos and stories and that is the worst part of Instagram.

When you will install Instagram on your phone and if you want to download any images then, what you need to do is take a screenshot and then crop the image.

Just think that you are having an application which will help you to take the screenshot on the go and you don’t need to crop it or do anything else. This is what GBInsta will help you and download the images on your phone without any external application installed on your smartphone.

How GBInsta Works?

This application is same as Instagram but if you love customization and theming then I will suggest you download this application because personally I love to do customization on my phone and this is the reason why it is the best application.

There are some custom codes and smali files which have been added in this application which helps the users to enjoy theming and then apply the theme, and this is what makes the GBInsta the best application which you can try on your Android phone.

If you will look into mods of Instagram, then you will find that most of the mods need to have a rooted device. You don’t need a rooted device to add something extra to your official Instagram application but you need an application which will help you to do everything in one go. This application allows the users to download the images, videos and everything in one click.


  • GBInsta
  • Android version above 4.0x

Download GBInsta 1.70 Latest Version Apk For Android 2020

Downloading and installing this application is easy and not a difficult task. There are two types of the application and both the application is having the different package name. I will tell you about this below of this article and how the different packages of the application work.

You don’t need to uninstall anything. If you want to install this application on your device so you need to normally install this application on your phone and there will be no issues because here the package name of the application is different and you can install dual Instagram on your phone.

Download GBInsta from the link given below.

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